We just finished a sermon series called “Next Steps” and are in the middle of a series called “Strong Women.” Yes ladies, we are STRONG! For many of us that next step is to realize we are.
Do you have self confidence?
Are you a Leader?
Of course you are a leader.

Now build that confidence. You have or are raising a family; you nourish them physically, emotionally and spiritually, you do all the physical aspects of being a mother, nurse, cook, housekeeper, teacher, and wife – just to mention a few, and on top of that, most of you hold down full time employment. That should give you confidence to over come any doubt of how “STRONG” you are.

Now what is your next step? Focus, listen to God. I know we talk to him, but focus on what he is saying also. He speaks strongly to me in the early hours, wakes me with thoughts already planted. I love it that way. (That’s how I wrote this).

The word “leader” comes with many different descriptions and with many different personalities. Jesus was a leader among the multitudes he walked with. With whom do you walk? With whom do you give your testimony? With whom do you pray, laugh, cry, mourn, with? I’d say we are all leaders at something, we just have to grab onto confidence and focus. Lets go women! WE are strong, WE are confident, WE are leaders, WE are the Champions!