Spectator or Participator?

God is on the move at Crossroads and in CB. So, are you watching it happen, or are you making it happen? Before He ascended into heaven, Jesus’ final command was “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15)....

What is Attend One, Serve One?

By now, you’ve probably heard that we’re adding another service on October 30th. So what does that mean for our volunteers? With this new change comes a great opportunity to attend a service and serve during a service (aka attend one, serve one). Now, you...

Creating Graphics Like the Pastors

Have you ever wondered how Pastor Joseph and Pastor Isaac make those cool graphics with Bible verses, sermon points, or encouraging phrases that they post daily to their personal Facebook pages? It’s actually easier than you might think. Here’s how you can...

Psalm 77

This weekend (September 11th), we are going to make an announcement that will change the course of our church. This announcement will allow us to further step into God’s plan for Crossroads, and for Council Bluffs. As we head into this new season, it’s...

Who Am I & Whose I Am

BY: BECKY HOOD-KJELDGAARD Have you ever asked yourself “Who am I?” or “Where do I fit?” I unfortunately have a few times over my life and didn’t really start to find or understand who I was until I came to know Christ. It is easy for us to get lost in what is seen on...