This weekend (September 11th), we are going to make an announcement that will change the course of our church. This announcement will allow us to further step into God’s plan for Crossroads, and for Council Bluffs. As we head into this new season, it’s important to realize that while the best is yet to come, we must still remember where we have come from. Take a minute to read Psalm 77 and then read the devotional below. Please also take some time this week to remember our church leadership in prayer as we prepare to make this big announcement and the transition that will follow.


How good are you at remembering? I’m not just talking about remembering to pick up the milk at the supermarket. I’m asking, how good are you at remembering the faithfulness of God in your life.

Sometimes we can become so in-the­‐moment that our time with the Lord revolves around petitioning. Think of some ways God has totally come through for you recently and ask yourself, “did I stop and thank Him for that?”

What happened to the Israelites when they failed to remember God’s faithfulness? He had demonstrated miracles like never seen before in history (Exodus 7-­‐33) and in their moment of self-­‐consumption, they melted their gold into an idol and worshipped IT saying essentially “you are our God, you have delivered us”. Its absurd to think that we could ever get this far off track… or is it? When we fail to remember who God is and what he has done, how easily we can take control of our lives and misplace our trust. How easily we can excuse our sinful behavior to justify the feeling that God is far off.

Noah, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Solomon, Gideon, Joshua (and many more) built altars to God to thank Him for the great things He had done. Not only was it a symbol of remembrance but a place of sacrifice and worship. David writes in Psalm 77 of the works God had performed for Moses. In his day of trouble, he remembered all miracles the Lord had performed in the past and clung to the unchanging character of God for his future. I encourage you to find ways to build altars of remembrance in your life. Don’t miss opportunities to reflect on and thank God for ways He has worked in your life. “For all You’ve done and yet to do, I worship You”