Have you ever asked yourself “Who am I?” or “Where do I fit?” I unfortunately have a few times over my life and didn’t really start to find or understand who I was until I came to know Christ. It is easy for us to get lost in what is seen on TV or in books, but honestly, none of these things really holds true to who we are. For us to understand who we are, we have to look at whose we are. What I mean by this is that I will never really look at myself with a clear lens, because in my eyes, I will always be looking through a fun house mirror. I’ve learned that I have to look through my Creators eyes and through His word. When I look through that lens, I am able to see myself more clearly – fearfully and wonderfully made. That I was made with a purpose and I have been given power over my fears and failures. It’s knowing that I am in and with Christ that I am made whole.

My story might be similar to yours or completely different, but despite that, Christ knows all of our short comings and hurts. I was not raised in the church and it wasn’t until I was out of my family home that I came to know Christ. Being a military child who moved from the age of 4 to 19 I found my meaning and purpose in so many wrong places. I never felt like I fit anywhere and had a hard time really knowing who I am. Christ took this broken and scattered person and healed her. To me, being a strong woman is really going to my Savior, Healer, Great Physican, and Loving Father. Because through Him, I not only know who I am, but whose I am as well. I am His child whom He cares deeply about and shows me His unconditional love every day. I am His beautiful creation, more precious than any jewel, worth more than any amount of gold, and He wraps me in the finest robes and protects me from those who attempt to hurt me.

I didn’t always believe this because of some of my life situations and what happened to me in those life situations, however, now I can look back and see where God put His hand on me and guided me through some of the toughest times of my life. Sometimes God walks us through the toughest times to show us who He is in our lives.

I’ll give you a quick example as I wrap this up. Almost 5 years ago, my mother passed away. She was a believer and I know she is with God, but I am an only child and had to do this on my own. Little did I know at that time He walked with me and put people in my life to help me through this time of grief. Fast forward to February of this year; my step-mother, another woman of faith who God put in my life, passed away. I was met with severe opposition and attacks that reminded me of my childhood. God helped me to hold my tongue and reminded me I was not that person anymore and He was in control. Needless to say, God has never let me down and I am sure it is because I know whose I am and through that I know who I am.