The significance of having a solid group of guy friends is incredibly important. My roommates and I have been truly blessed this year to have become friends with the godliest men we have ever known.

But first let’s rewind to my high school days. In high school I never really understood what having good guy friends meant, but looking back on it all… they were not the type of guys I should have surrounded myself with. In the end they ultimately led me to feel worthless, that I needed to change in order to be wanted or liked, and they would constantly treat me with disrespect.

But now fast forward to present time… the guy friends I have now truly model for us girls each and every day what a man of God is supposed to look like, and what we should seek to have in a future husband, they are respectful, always open the door for us, and even the car door, they speak gently to us, they listen well, they push us towards Jesus without even knowing it, they are intentional in every way they talk to us, they protect our hearts, and most importantly they treat us nothing less than the daughters of the King.

Therefore, ladies, don’t settle. Do not settle. Don’t settle in a friendship with a guy and especially do not settle in a relationship with one. Let’s start allowing the men to do their God given roles. Men were made to lead and to pursue. YOU are the prize. YOU are highly valued and your heart is worth fighting for. There should be NO doubts, NO questions, NO misled intentions! YOU are worth a man that fights for you every day, pursues you on the good days and the bad day, who is patient in his pursuit with you, you deserve to be feel treasured daily because you ARE the daughter of the One True King. This generation is full of girls who do not understand their worth because they are seeking attention from the silly boys who tell them constantly that they are everything that they aren’t and they are not looking to The One who created them, and who calls them His daughter. Our true value lies in our identity as a child of God. So cling to the truth that He speaks over you… the truth that you are worth it and that you are worth fighting for, worth loving, and worth waiting for. Focus on The One who loves you the most before you can focus on loving someone else. When you are ready He will bless you with someone completely unexpectedly, but it’s something God has expected. It will be worth the wait, it will be worth all the heart break, it will be worth all the times you’ve been betrayed, it will be worth all the nights you thought you couldn’t handle another boy telling you weren’t enough. It will be worth it because something that once was a disappointment turned out to be God rescuing you and clearly telling you that He has better for you. Don’t settle for a boy, be a strong woman of God and wait for what you deserve. Until then, bury your heart completely in Jesus because He will show you what true love looks like.